Singing Guide: Jessie Ware

Singing Guide: Jessie Ware

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jessie Ware is a British singer-songwriter who is known for her soulful and emotive voice. She has developed a unique vocal style that blends elements of pop, soul, and R&B. In this article, we'll explore how to learn to sing like Jessie Ware and highlight some of her songs that showcase her vocal technique.

One of the key elements of Jessie Ware's vocal style is her use of vibrato. Vibrato is the rapid, pulsating variation in pitch that adds depth and emotion to a singer's voice. In order to develop this technique, it's important to focus on your breath control and relaxation. Singing exercises that target your diaphragm and allow you to achieve a relaxed and open sound can be helpful in mastering your vibrato. Singing Carrots offers several exercises to help singers develop their vibrato, including the Diaphragm Bounce video.

Another important element of Jessie Ware's vocal style is her use of falsetto. Falsetto is a technique where the singer uses their head voice to create a lighter, brighter sound. Jessie Ware uses falsetto to great effect in songs like "Say You Love Me" and "Running." In order to develop this technique, it's important to practice with a gentle and relaxed approach. Singing exercises that target your head voice or that gradually move from your chest voice to your head voice can be helpful in developing your falsetto. Singing Carrots offers several exercises to help singers develop their falsetto including the Chest Voice Explained and Mixed Voice videos.

Beyond these specific techniques, Jessie Ware's vocal style is characterized by her emotional expressiveness. She has a knack for infusing her songs with a sense of longing and vulnerability that connects with listeners. To develop this aspect of your singing, it's important to tap into your own emotions and let them guide your performance. Singing with intention and feeling can be practiced in any song, but it can be particularly helpful to work on expressive singing with a ballad or a song that you feel a strong emotional connection to. Singing Carrots offers several resources for helping singers practice emotional expression, including the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking and Relaxing Breath videos.

In conclusion, learning to sing like Jessie Ware involves developing specific techniques like vibrato and falsetto, as well as embracing emotional expressiveness in your performances. Singing Carrots offers a variety of resources to help you develop these skills, including exercises focused on specific techniques and resources for honing your vocal expressiveness. With practice, patience, and support, you can learn to sing like Jessie Ware and infuse your own performances with a powerful sense of emotion and style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.